Thursday 1 October 2009

Homo Sapience - Existence Defined

Existence had originally been defined out by Empedocles of Agrigento more than 2500 years ago.
Out of `strife` mingled with `love` were extracted out the four symbolic characters that represent this universe. These `elements` had been described out as `earth, air, fire and water`.
The striving nature that has to compose this sphere is steered out by our physical and pensive means, whilst motivation to acheive this information has to be regulated out by means of `love` to this existing phase.
The loving attitude that enables a version of existence to be `framed` could only be made by `entities` that long to investigate the `four fundamental questions` over which a meaning regarding living is being sought.
The four fundamental questions are, `who are we? where are we? where have we came from? and where are we off to?
When this process is being performed then existing and living are being `linked, matched, equated and twinned` to present `factors` that install modems along our `pensive and physical` qualities over which we could scroll the features of this universe.
Around these four digital concepts we could `stage, state, relate and phrase` existence into a universal sphere.
These chromosomes upon which existence could be framed could be indicated over these `terms`~
1. Entailed into moment in time.
2. Related towards us.
3. Bearing upon us.
4. Imaged into forms.
These four ranks could be itemized into four `factors` in a synchronized manner over one theme as indicated here:-
A. Time and Space.
B. Relativity.
C. Polarity.
This whole symphony operates upon four platforms directed through the ingredients of the`four fundamental questions`, and as such no finite position could ever be indicated upon a single syndrome.
This system rotates over these stages and states along this current role~
A harmonious state would verse out a calm stage.
A relaxed state would verse out a serene stage.
A volatile state would verse out a tempestuous stage.
A static state would verse out a morbid stage.
These aspects evolve and rotate around us and as such no finite temperament could ever gauged.
A cross reference aligned across the ligaments of these factors and chromosomes would present out pigments in accordance with the structure of the corresponding `elements` as indicated here:-
The factor of `matter` that is hailed out as `earth` has blue pigments and cycles out forms.
The factor of `relativity` that is hailed out as `air` has white pigments and denotes out forms.
The factor of `polarity` that is hailed out as `water` has green pigments and generates out forms.
The factor of `time and space` that is hailed out as `fire` has red pigments and ages out forms.
The crucial impact that these factors have upon us are~
We have a consuming body that needs substance in the form of the element of `matter`.
We have to `relate` everything that we want to indicate.
We have to push back a `polarity` post in order to get ahead.
We have to collect experience out of `time and space` into our memory chamber.
These existing factors rotates and consternate around us in the same manner as this universe, pivoting over `love`. On the other hand this `version` could only be made by `beings` that have an `enties` of a `person` contained into a `self`.
All these details correspond with the information that had been given out by Empedocles so many years ago.
Further reading - `Homo Sapience` ~ existence defined by Joseph II.
Publishers Matador ISBN 9781848762237.